Sunday, October 18, 2015

Symptoms and Disease Spread Herpes

Herpes is a disease that attacks the skin surface. Besides herpes is also an infectious disease, it is because of this disease occurs because it is caused due to due to a viral infection of the skin. Although herpes is not teramasuk alarming disease, but very disturbing. Where are marked with bubbles on the skin as a group and can be transmitted in the surrounding skin or others. That is why a person prohibited from making direct contact with people with herpes.

Iniakan Here we explain about the symptoms and the spread of herpes. The explanation is as follows:

Symptoms are caused by herpes is the appearance of redness. After that, it is also accompanied by a bubble filled with fluid in it. The emerging liquid can turn into pus followed by the formation of a scab or crust. The process penyebaranny is by doing direct relationship box, using the clothes of patients and many others.

Now that's some explanation of the symptoms and the spread of herpes that you can know. Hopefully, with an explanation in this article can be useful for all of us about the symptoms, causes and spread of herpes. Besides the one thing we must remember is better to prevent than to cure.

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