Monday, October 26, 2015

Alkali Rich Foods Good For Body

Foods rich in alkaline able to increase oxygen levels in the blood. Foods containing alkali mamu also nourish the body as a whole. In addition, mekanan containing alkali also able to balance pH levels and optimize the body's ability to absorb nineral and vitamins.

Fruits containing alkali is also suitable for those who are dieting. This is because the fruit is able to lose weight. In addition, these fruits can meningkaykan order to better brain function. Here are the fruits that contain alkali.

1. Lemon. Famous lemon fruit contains a lot of oxygen. The alkali content in the lemon is very suitable for people with coughs, pilak, and also the flu.

2. Watermelon. This fruit has a high water content, so it can function as a diuretic. You need to know if a watermelon can provide instant energy.

3. Kiwi. kiwi fruit contains flavonoids are able to promote an alkaline pH and provide energy for the body ..

4. Papaya. It is a fruit that is good for digestion. This fruit is able to cleanse the colon and regulate bowel movements. Besides papaya also helps cleanse the kidneys.

5. Pineapple. Pineapple is very good for the body because pineapple contains vitamins A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, and antioxidants. Pineapple fruit is able to regulate the blood, and lowers blood pressure and prevents the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Differences in Heart Disease and Pulmonary Embolism

Both diseases have similar symptoms that is equally experienced pain in the chest. That is why most of them tend to be able to distinguish heart disease and pulmonary embolism. According to Dr. Cosphiadi Irawan originating emergency division of Hematology-Medical Oncology Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine-RSCM. Saying that both diseases have differences. Where Pulmonary embolism is a disease that occurs because there is a blockage of blood vessels in the lungs.

The symptoms that accompany the occurrence of blockage in the lungs are shortness of breath, chest pain, pounding heartbeat and chest pain. As for the symptoms that accompany heart disease is chest pain that pierced the chest until you feel the rear. At the same time the heart would have increased the enzyme. For pulmonary embolism occurs because the lungs are having problems when releasing C02 and take oxygen becomes clogged.

According to the chairman of the set Thrombosis Hemostasis Indonesia (PTHI) Prof. Dr. dr. Lidow Karmel Tambunan SpPD, K-HOM, saying that pulmonary embolism was also accompanied by blood stone. Both of these diseases is a very dangerous disease, which result in lethal if not handled quickly. Now that's an explanation of the differences danger of heart disease and pulmonary embolism that you can know. Hopefully with time this explanation can add to knowledge is for all of us.

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Most Romantic Place For Honeymoon

After the course, each couple married do plan to honeymoon. Honeymoon the newlyweds bias traveled to many beautiful places like beaches, islands, even dareah hills. However, for the selection of a honeymoon should be really thoughtful. This is because the honeymoon is the most beautiful moment for the young bride.

There is the most romantic place suitable for a honeymoon in different countries. Consider the following review.

1. Vancouner, Canada. This place has a water view that can be seen from the mountains and is one of the most beautiful places in the world. If you choose this place for a honeymoon then this could be the most amazing moment. From this place also you can enjoy the semi-desert Stanley Park and various museums exotic.

2. The Great Ocean Road, Australia.Negara has many beautiful places to visit. For those of you who do honeymoon to Australia, you can rent a car in Melbourne and take a walk on the Great Ocean Road. Long beach reaches 285 km is perfect for your honeymoon.

3. Dartmoor, England. This is a suitable place for couples who like to explore. Here you can walk away with less of your partner in this mystical desert. Compactness you will be romantic in this place.

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Friday, October 23, 2015

Tips Healing Eyes Minus

This now minus many eye disorders experienced by everyone either children or adults. Minus the eye itself occurs because it is caused by several factors. Among habit often read with sleeping positions and often in front of a computer with a long time. Usually the symptoms that accompany minus eye is an eye sore, watery and course difficulty seeing objects at long range. However you do not need to worry because this berkut we will explain about how to cure minus eye that you can know. Curious to know how? Immediately, note the following review!

Here Tips Healing Eyes

Doing Therapy Candle
This therapy menag fairly powerful to overcome eye problems minus. Apaka you know therapy candles? Candle therapy is very easy to do do enough with candlelight and gaze at the candle without blinking. Until the eyes of many tears. Do this up to 4 times a week to get maximum results.

Doing Gymnastics Eyes
In addition to therapy candles, you can also do eye exercises to help you minus eye disorders. The way to do eye movements to the right and to the left for 10 seconds. In addition And Ajuga can perform a circular motion of the eyeball 360 degrees clockwise.

Well that's the way that can help you minus your eye problems.

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Tips Tampil Modis Bagi Anda yang Memilki Tubuh Besar

Tidak semua orang memiliki tubuh yang ideal. Bagi Anda yang memiliki tubuh besar, ada beberapa tips make up dan tampil modis bagi Anda. Berikut ulasannya.

1. Ukuran bukan masalah. Bagi Anda yang memilki tubuh besar, jangan mempermaslahkan bentuk tubuh dan pakaian Anda. Hal ini dikarenakan, kenyamanan adalah kunci untuk kita lebih percaya diri. Hindari pakaian yang terlalu kecil untuk menghindari tampilan Anda yang terlalu besar.

2. Aksesoris dan tata rambut. Hal ini sangat penting bagi Anda yang memiliki tubuh besar. Jangan memilih aksesoris yang terlalu cerah ditubuh Anda. Hindari Aksesoris dengan ukuran besar dan terlalu kecil. Kemudian untuk model rambut, pilihlah model rambut yang lebih rapi agar menunjukan Anda sudah merawat diri.

3. Kekuatan ilusi. Anda perlu hati-hati dalam menggunakan perhiasan dan riasan wajah. Jangan sampai perhiasan yang Anda kenakan mengganggu penampilan Anda. Gunakan perhiasan sepantasnya untuk membuat Anda percaya diri dan menyebarkan semangat positif dari diri Anda.

4. Kombinasi warna dasar. Pilihlah warna yang serasi dalam setiap penampilan Anda. Jika Anda menggunakan gaun berwarna gelap, Anda bisa menambah aksesoris sabuk berwarna terang.

5. Make Up wajah. Ini merupakan bagian terpenting bagi Anda yang memilki tubuh besar. Saat merias wajah, cobalah berikan highlight pada tulang pipi dengan foundation agar Anda lebih terlihat tirus. Selain itu penggunaan warna nude pada bagian mata akan sangat membantu terlihat lebih cantik.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Tamarind benefits for Body Health

Who does not know the tamarind? Mungn almost everyone already knew. Although it has a sweet and sour taste, tamarind but also has properties that are very good for maintaining a healthy body. apart from being used as a spice in cooking, tamarind is also often used as an ingredient for traditional medicine. Certainly curious about the what benefit? For more details, here are the benefits of tamarind to health.

Maintain nerve function

The first is to maintain nerve function. The content of vitamin B complex in tamarind is very useful to restore muscle function, improve nerve function and can help you to keep it active. Vitamin B complex that plays an active role in this function is thiamine.

Maintain a healthy heart

It is common knowledge if the health of the heart it should be kept and cared for. Because the heart works to pump blood around the body. besides exercising you can maintain their health by eating tamarind regularly. Antioxidant content has a major role in counteracting free radicals cause dangerous diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Boost the immune system

Strong immunity can help the body to avoid all kinds of diseases. content of vitamin C in tamarind able to boost the immune system and prevent infected with viruses or bacteria.

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Destinasi Wisata Populer di Sulawesi Utara

Provinsi yang beribukotakan Manado ini memiliki banyak tempat wisata menarik. Sulawesi Utara merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata unggulan di Indonesia. Provinsi ini memilki kontut tanah berbukit-bukit sehingga diperkaya dengan berbagai objek wisata alam yang indah. Selain wisata alam, Sulawesi Utara juga menjadi salah satu sentral industri kerajinan kreatif yang mampu bersaing dengan wiaya lain di Indonesia.

Berikut destinasi wisata terpopuler di Sulawesi Utara

1. Bunaken. Bunaken sangat terkenal dengan spot menyelam unggulan yang dimiliki Indonesia. Tempat ini merupakan primadona bagi wisatawan lokal dan mancanegara yang menyukai diving. Bunaken memiliki pemandangan laut yang indah dan memiliki fasilitas wisata yang mewah. Ini merupakan surga bagi mereka yang menyukai wisata bahari di Indonesia.

2. Desa Woloan. Desa ini berlokasi di Kecamatan Tomohon Barat yang sebagian besar penduduknya berprofesi sebagai pengrajin rumah tradisional Minahasa. Rumah yang dibangun oleh pengrajin menggunakan kayu besi dengan teknik khusus yang telah digunakan secara turun-temurun dari para leluhur mereka. Saat ini desa Woloan telah menjadi destinisai wisata budaya yang ramai dikunjungi wisatawan saat berkunjung ke Sulawesi Utara.

3. Danau Linow. Danau ini terletak sekitar 30 km dari pusat kota Manado. Ini merupakan salah satu tempat wisata favorit si Sulawesi Utara. Danau ini memilki warna hijau toska dengan suasana sejuk dataran tinggi Tomohon.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Doogee X5 Pro, Smartphone dengan Harga Sejutaan

Di jaman yang semakin canggih ini persaingan smartphone di pasaran semakin ramai dengan adanya vendor baru yang bermunculan. Salah satu vendor baru yang menuai sukses di pasaran adalah Xiaomi. Namun sejatinya tidak hanya Xiaomi saja yang merupakan vendor baru, tetapi juga Dooge yang merupakan vendor asal China. Dooge meluncurkan smartphone berkualitas mereka yang dibandrol dengan harga sejutaan yakni Doogee X5 Pro.

Smartphone tersebut tidak hanya murah saja, melainkan juga memiliki kualitas spesifikasi yang mumpuni salah satunya adalah dengan prosesor Quad Core. Doogee X5 Pro menjadi suksesor dan versi upgrade dari versi sebelumnya yakni Doogee X5. Doogee X5 Pro akan mengusung prosesor dari Mediatek yakni MT6735 yang dipadukan dengan 4 inti atau Quad Core. Selain itu untuk urusan grafis sudah disediakan GPU Mali-T720 yang siap digunakan untuk bermain game ringan sampai sedang.

Kemudian untuk urusan memori Doogee X5 Pro akan mengusung RAM sebesar 1 GB dengan ROM sebesar 16 GB. Tak berhenti sampai di situ saja, Doogee X5 Pro juga mendukung teknologi 4G LTE yang membuatnya lebih cepat dalam akses internet. Sedangkan untuk kamera Doogee X5 Pro akan mengusung sensor kamera utama sebesar 5 Megapiksel, sementara untuk kamera depan sebesar depan sebesar 2 Megapiksel. Doogee X5 Pro akan berjalan pada Android Lollipop versi 5.1.

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Gunung dengan Pemandangan Unik di Dunia

Wisata alam menjadi pilihan tersendiri bagi para wisatawan. Alasannya wisata alam mampu menyajikan keindahan alam yang menakjubkan. Ada banyak wisata alam yang menjadi pilihan seperti laut, pantai, hutan, dan gunung. Setiap tempat memilki keindahan tersendiri seperti halnya gunung. Tiap gunung tentunya memiliki keindahan tersendiri yang membuat pengunjung terpesona. Keindahan tersebut biasanya bukan halnya dari karakternya, tetapi juga karena panorama yang ditawarkan.

Berikut adalah gunung dengan pemandangan unik di dunia

1. Nitmiluk Gorge. Gunung ini terdapat di dataran tinggi Arnhem Land dan memilki Sungai Katherine dengan panjang 12 km dan merupakan pusat dari Taman Nasional Nitmiuk. Jika Anda berkunjung ke gunung ini, Anda dapat menikmati tebing yang menawan dan air terjun yang indah. Untuk menuju ke gunung ini, Anda harus mendaki agar bisa melihat keindahan dari atas.

2. Gunung everest. Ini merupakan puncak tertinggi di dunia yang kerap di tutup salju. Ketinggian puncak ini mencapai 5.364 meter di atas permukaan laut. Gunung yang dipenuhi salju ini memiliki pemandangan yang unik dan ekstrem.

3. Cina Danxia. Gunung ini menjadi destinasi populer di China maupun wisatawan luar negeri. Cina Danxia memiliki formasi batuan unik dengan warna kemerahan. Anda juga dapat menikmati air terjun dan goa dengan warna warni yang unik. Seperti cokelat muda, orange, dan merah muda.

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Prone profession molester

According to some people, the cause of cheating is the time, the circumstances, availability, and opportunities. According to research there are some professions that are prone to cheating. Here's his review.

1. The financial industry. Research conducted by Dr. Alduan Tartt states that a man who have high positions more likely for cheating. It is seen from three factors, namely high income, well-traveled, and often interact denganorang interesting.

2. Master. According to the presentation of the study, most teachers are women often cheating. Although the number of women and men in this profession balanced.

3. Doctor. Studies prove kebanykan doctor who is a male affair. Male doctors usually have an important role in the media industry who have to keep ego.

4. Police. This profession has a reputation in the affair. This is because the police have the power positions, working with the shift that was not necessarily hour. In some countries there is also a hobby wania police seductive married. They are called "bunnies budge".

5. Lawyers. Many anecdotes indicate if the lawyer is a liar. In reality very astute lawyer manipulate honesty in accordance with the narrative that suits them.

6. Sister. In the United States there are 3.5 million people who work as nurses. Denagn long hours and constantly deal with the sick, make the nun stress. They often seek refuge in an affair.

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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Symptoms and Disease Spread Herpes

Herpes is a disease that attacks the skin surface. Besides herpes is also an infectious disease, it is because of this disease occurs because it is caused due to due to a viral infection of the skin. Although herpes is not teramasuk alarming disease, but very disturbing. Where are marked with bubbles on the skin as a group and can be transmitted in the surrounding skin or others. That is why a person prohibited from making direct contact with people with herpes.

Iniakan Here we explain about the symptoms and the spread of herpes. The explanation is as follows:

Symptoms are caused by herpes is the appearance of redness. After that, it is also accompanied by a bubble filled with fluid in it. The emerging liquid can turn into pus followed by the formation of a scab or crust. The process penyebaranny is by doing direct relationship box, using the clothes of patients and many others.

Now that's some explanation of the symptoms and the spread of herpes that you can know. Hopefully, with an explanation in this article can be useful for all of us about the symptoms, causes and spread of herpes. Besides the one thing we must remember is better to prevent than to cure.

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Model Hairstyles For Round Faces

Not only models of women's hair, male hair model is also interesting to follow the development. They always obeying haircut is becoming a trend. But sometimes men often forget the face shape. Whereas hairstyle that suits your face shape will actually make you look less attractive. According to the hairdresser, a good haircut is a haircut is to adjust the shape of the face.

One form of the face that need to be considered is the round face shape. The shape of this face if one chose haircut will berpengarh all against appearance. Here is a man who is suitable hairstyle for a round face.

1. Spiky Hair. One of the top artists who menggunakn this hairstyle is Niall Horan, One Direction one of the personnel who have a round face. On the side of the hair is cut short. And the spike is made approximately 1 inch will change the face prodil.

2. Men's Undercut. This hairstyle is ideal for men who have a round face. You can cut the hair to the back side. And to the top, leaving hair with a length. Adna can comb the hair on the back or side with gel to make it more presentable.

3. Slick Back Hair. For men who want to use this hairstyle needs to have long hair and short upper side. In addition, you are also advised to use wax or pemade.

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Friday, October 16, 2015

Wisata Indonesia yang Menakjubkan

Musim liburan adalah hal yang paling ditunggu oleh semua orang. Namun terkadang orang merasa bingung dengan tujuan tempat liburan. Banyak hal yang menyebabkan orang bingung seperti biaya hingga waktu liburan yang singkat.

Bagi Anda yang ingin berlibur tidak perlu ke luar negeri karena di Indonesia sendiri memilki banyak tempat-tampat menarik bahkan tidak kalah dengan yang di luar negeri.

1. Taman Nasional Baluran, Jawa Timur. Ini merupakan Taman Nasional yang hampir mirip dengan padang Sabana di Afrika. Taman Nasional ini juga merupakan padang rumput terluas di tanah Jawa. Di sini terdapat berbagai habitat fauna seperti banteng, kerbau liar, rusa, dan spesies burung. Ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang ingin liburan bersama keluarga.

2. Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo, Yogyakarta. Di Yogyakarta terdapat gundukan yang berisi pasir dari pantai Parangtritis sampai muara Sungai Opak. Ini merupakan gumukan pasir yang mirip dengan gurun Sahara. Tempat ini biasanya digunakan untuk foto pre-wedding dan syuting film.

3. Cukang Taneuh, Ciamis. Banyak yang menyebutkan jika wisata ini sanagt mirip dengan Garand Canyon yang ada di Colorado, Amerika Serikat. Wisata ini terletak di desa Cijulang ciamis, Jawa Barat dan tidak jauh dari wisata Pangandaran. Anda dapat melakukan panjat tebing, berenang, dan sensasi terjun bebas dari batu di sekitar sungai.

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Caring for Hair Extensions Permanent Durability

It is the desire of every woman's beauty and so also have the desired hair style. He in fact many ways you can do to get it all one by using hair extensions. Hair extension is a wig that looks like the original. Sekrang banya is seen at all the people who prefer to use hair extensions for faster results.

With more and more people are using the hair extensions, then the following will be explained about how to care for hair extensions that you have in order to remain durable. The following is his review!

Caring for Hair Extensions Permanent Durability

Do not do Barak Movement When shampooing

For those of you who mengunkana hair extensions need once you noticed when during shampooing. Do not do jyang irregular movement because it will make your hair extensions will be loosened. Should do the vertical and horizontal hand movements, and do not be too tenuous.

Note When Combing Hair

When combing your hair you should always be careful. If the proper carelessly combed hair combed original will make your hair extensions will be damaged. Menisir do with the movement from top to bottom, when the section of hair extensions tersbut try combing slowly.

Do not Use Excessive Conditioner

In use conditiner try not excessive and do not apply conditioner on the connection ring or glue because it can make the connection does not glue well and the result is a connection hair extensions you will loose.

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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Manfaat Garam Inggris

Garam inggris adalah jenis garam yang sebenarnya bukan berasal dari murni garam. Garam ini terbentuk dari jenis senyawa mineral murni yang berasal dari alam dalam bentuk magnesium dan sulfat. Garam inggris sudah banyak digunakan oleh semua masyarakat di dunia karena manfaatnya yang sangat besar.